Table of Contents

Foreword by Ian Freckelton QCAcknowledgmentsTable of CasesTable of Statutes

1. Prologue: The Contest Continues

2. Contesting Consent: A Free and Voluntary Standard?

3. Contesting Partner Intimacy and Abuse of Trust

4. Contesting Fault: Beyond Legal Binaries

5. Contesting Harms: Primary and Secondary Trauma

6. Contesting Fairness: ‘Fair Game’ Versus ‘Fair Go’ in the Trial and Investigation Process

7. Contesting ‘The Other’: Intersectionality and Fault

8. Contesting Punishment: Sentencing

9. Contesting Criminal Responsibility for Rape: Reframing Institutional and Individual Complicity

10. Epilogue: Beyond Balancing, Towards Human Dignity


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