Table of Contents


Helen Stacy and Michael Lavarch

Part 1: The Dimensions of Change

Changing Roles and Skills for Courts, Tribunals and Practitioners

Daryl Williams

Fighting the Fiends From Finance

Michael Lavarch

Civil Litigation: An Indigenous Perspective

Colleen Starkis

Part 2: What Changes are Possible?

Reforming the Civil Justice System: The Case for a Considered Approach

Justice Ronald Sackville

Opportunities and Limitations for Change in the Australian Adversary System

Justice David Ipp

Judicial Time Limits and the Adversarial System

Bret Walker

Part 3: Issues of Justice and Ethics

Fairness in a Predominantly Adversarial System

Justice Geoffrey Davies

Dining at the Ritz: Visions of Justice for the Individual In the Changing Adversarial System

Marc Galanter

Twenty Theses on Adversarial Ethics

David Luban


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