Critics’ Reviews

“Hutchinson’s arguments [are] a useful primer for those of us who remain convinced that the corporation remains a useful legal construct for mobilizing capital and creating (if not distributing) wealth. His prescriptions reinforce the need for business leadership to restate their social contracts, moving beyond tired, ideological positions to a new level of legitimacy and public acceptance for the corporation as a powerful and self-regenerating vehicle for sustainable enterprise. For that alone, it’s worth a read.”
Edward Waitzer, Chair of the Ontario Securities Commission from 1993 to 1996
“The Companies We Keep offers a clear critique of the ways we theorize and practise corporate governance, and a hopeful set of proposals for change. It is a must read for anyone interested in corporate governance in Canada — and we should all be interested in the subject as the power and influence of corporations expands, and the consequences of how they are governed shapes the governance of society as a whole.”
Joel Bakan, Author of The Corporation: The Pathological Pursuit of Profit and Power
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