Critics’ Reviews

This is the second edition of what is the authoritative treatise on the law of habeas corpus in Australia and New Zealand, and Commonwealth jurisdictions in the South Pacific. … This edition is, once again, a valuable addition to the limited available texts offering a comprehensive account of the law of habeas corpus. – Queensland Law Reporter – 7 June 2019 – [2019] 22 QLR

Habeas corpus is a term that most of the population, including lawyers, believe they understand prompting the writers of this book to remark in their opening line that it is like a classic that “everyone has heard of but no one has actually read”. This book provides a definitive outline and explanation of common law and statute as it applies to the use of habeas corpus in the jurisdictions of Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific, which relevantly for Australia includes jurisdictions such as Nauru, Fiji, Solomon Islands and other places of interest in Australia’s relationships. … This is a text designed as the ultimate resource on habeas corpus. The meticulous research and collation of case law and statute is evident in the bibliography and extensive footnoting throughout the book commends itself to any serious practitioner seeking some guidance on the applicability of habeas corpus in Australia and its near neighbours. – David Parker, InPrint, Law Institute Journal Victoria, May 2019

The text includes a fulsome description of the context and origins of the remedy, as well as the existing jurisdiction of the various courts to order it. Its coverage is extensive and includes matters of practice and procedure, standing, and the grounds and scope of review. … it deals with its subjective matter comprehensively and so is likely to appeal – particularly given the sparsity of similar texts – to anyone undertaking even a cursory review of this topic. – Queensland Law Reporter – 5 April 2019 – [2019] 13 QLR

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