Right of remuneration
1 definition found for this term.
Definitions are presented in the order source books were published (most recent first).
The right of a copyright holder to receive a payment for a stated use. Performers, sound-recording makers, and broadcasters have rights of remuneration in respect of the public performance or telecommunication of their material.
A right of remuneration differs from other rights within copyright. A copyright holder can usually prevent the use by others of any right within copyright for any reason or for no reason at all, just as a landowner may arbitrarily deny access to his property. Thus, a copyright holder can get an injunction to prevent the translation of her work, however much money the user tenders for the right and however worthy the enterprise. On the other hand, the owner of a right of remuneration cannot prevent the use of his material by any user who tenders the prescribed fee. For example, the copyright holder of a published sound recording of a musical work cannot prevent a broadcaster who tenders the appropriate payment from airing any sound recording; the Copyright Act grants the right-holder only a right of remuneration in respect of this activity.