Product Description
Today, many human rights commissions are threatened or are no longer in existence. This book argues in support of our human rights institutions, including the new Canadian Museum for Human Rights. These arguments debunk current challenges to our human rights commissions and tribunals. Further, they chronicle the ways in which governments have backed away from the project of growing a culture of human rights, and of maintaining the role of human rights commissions to promote and protect human rights. In sum, this book will help readers to evaluate criticism of human rights institutions so that Canadians can strengthen current systems and ensure that they are responding to today’s problems in the field of human rights.
Editors’ Introduction
Shelagh Day, Lucie Lamarche, & Ken Norman
Part 1: Human Rights Institutions in Canada: Manoeuvring in a Context of Hostility and Political Tension
Chapter 1: Reflections on Government Hostility, Systemic Discrimination, and Human Rights Institutions
Shelagh Day
Chapter 2: Governments as Interpreters and Shapers of Human Rights
Gwen Brodsky
Chapter 3: Saskatchewan’s One Bright Shining Moment, At Least It Seemed So at the Time
Ken Norman
Chapter 4: Human Rights Systems: Are They Fair?
Pearl Eliadis
Part 2: The Evolution of Human Rights Complaints Management in Canada: Transformative Justice or Efficient Justice?
Chapter 5: Saskatchewan and the Gatekeeping Debate
Genevieve Leslie
Chapter 6: Ontario and the Direct Access Model to Human Rights
Michelle Flaherty
Chapter 7: The Paris Principles Twenty Years After
Maxwell Yalden
Part 3: Discrimination and Political Struggle: Three Case Studies
Chapter 8: Sexual Harassment: A Feminist Phrase That Transformed the Workplace
Constance Backhouse
Chapter 9: From Sexual to Psychological Harassment: One Step Forward, Twenty-Five Years Back for Women’s Equality at Work?
Rachel Cox
Chapter 10: The Hate Speech Diversion
Richard Moon
Part 4: Human Rights Commissions and Policy-Making: Naming – Engaging – Implementing
Chapter 11: Ontario Human Rights Commission Promotion Activities: The Experience of Responding to Racial Profiling by Police
Shaheen Azmi
Chapter 12: The Québec Human Rights Commission and the Construction of the Concept of Social Profiling
Paul Eid
Part 5: The Future of Human Rights Institutions in Canada: Interdisciplinary and Interinstitutional Collaboration
Chapter 13: The Ontario Human Rights Commission and the Framework for Mapping and Addressing Competing Human Rights
Lorne Foster & Lesley Jacobs
Chapter 14: Emerging Human Rights Institutions: The Case of Museums in a Human Rights Culture
Jennifer Carter & Jennifer A Orange