• Publication Date: April 8, 2016
  • ISBN: Print (Paperback): 9781552214046
  • 1312 pages; 6" x 9"
Filed Under: Maritime

Canadian Maritime Law 2/e


Product Description

Joint winner of the 2005 Walter Owen Book Prize (first edition)

Canadian Maritime Law is the leading scholarly text and reference work on maritime law in Canada. It covers the full scope of admiralty, shipping, and navigation issues in the Canadian and international contexts. Since the first edition, maritime law as legislated, judicially developed, and practised in Canada has evolved substantially. Four editors led a team of twenty-eight scholars, practitioners, and other field specialists from across Canada to produce a comprehensive text accompanied by extensive lists of legislation, international treaties, and cases, along with a detailed index.

For students and practitioners new to the field, the text uses plain language and defines all technical legal and shipping terms. For experienced legal and other practitioners, it affords the means to analyze maritime issues according to Canadian law, with due notice of its divergence from US and UK law and practice.

This text provides insights into the Canadian perspectives, content, experience, and practice in this field and will appeal to legal practitioners, government officials, academics, students, and all others engaged with the regulation of all types of navigation and shipping. Practitioners and scholars in other countries interested in international and comparative maritime law will also benefit from this fully updated work.

List of Contributors
List of Tables and Figures

Part I: Introduction to Maritime Law and the Shipping Industry
Chapter 1: Canadian Maritime Law: An Introduction
Chapter 2: The Shipping Industry: An Overview
Chapter 3: The Safety Management of Ships
Chapter 4: Administration of Ports and Harbours

Part II: Admiralty Jurisdiction and Procedure
Chapter 5: Maritime Law Jurisdiction in Canada
Chapter 6: Admiralty Procedure

Part III: Ship Ownership, Financing, Insurance, and Crewing
Chapter 7: Ship Ownership, Construction, Repair, and Registration
Chapter 8: Maritime Mortgages
Chapter 9: Maritime Liens
Chapter 10: Marine Insurance
Chapter 11: Maritime Labour Law

Part IV: Maritime Transportation
Chapter 12: Carriage of Goods by Charterparty
Chapter 13: Carriage of Goods under Bills of Lading and Similar Documents
Chapter 14: Carriage of Passengers
Chapter 15: General Average

Part V: Maritime Services
Chapter 16: Maritime Pilotage
Chapter 17: Maritime Towage
Chapter 18: Salvage, Refuge, and Wreck

Part VI: Collisions, Pollution, and Liability
Chapter 19: Maritime Collisions
Chapter 20: Prevention of Vessel Source Pollution
Chapter 21: Civil Liability for Vessel-Source Pollution
Chapter 22: Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims

Part VII: Special Issues in Maritime Law
Chapter 23: Shipping in Arctic Waters
Chapter 24: The Fishing Industry
Chapter 25: Recreational Boating, Death, and Personal Injury
Chapter 26: Maritime Law and the Offshore Industry

Acronyms and Abbreviations
List of Current Legislation
List of International Treaties and Selected Non treaty Instruments
Table of Cases

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