• Publication Date: October 26, 2017
  • ISBN: Print (Paperback): 9781552214428
  • 376 pages; 6" x 9"

Education Law in Canada

A Guide for Teachers and Administrators


Product Description

Education Law in Canada: A Guide for Teachers and Administrators is a comprehensive examination of the many legal issues that impact public education in this country. With informative and easily accessible contributions from members of the legal and academic communities, the topics in this edited collection will be of particular interest to those who work or have an interest in schools and the educational system. Providing pan-Canadian coverage, issues addressed in this book include the following: the value of education law; the legal and administrative framework of education; the role of the courts; teacher rights and duties; student rights; negligence and liability; issues of misconduct; bullying and cyberbullying; special education; and copyright.


Chapter 1: From My Side of the Desk: A Case for School Law
Nora M Findlay

Chapter 2: The Legal and Administrative Framework of Education in Canada
Frank Peters

Chapter 3: The Role of Courts in Education
Shirley Van Nuland

Chapter 4: Educator Rights and Duties
David C Young

Chapter 5: Student Rights
Nadya Tymochenko

Chapter 6: Educators’ Negligence and Liability
Theresa Shanahan

Chapter 7: Issues of Misconduct
Justice Marvin A Zuker (retired)

Chapter 8: Clicks and Stones: Cyberbullying in Canadian Schools
Eric M Roher

Chapter 9: Special Education Law in Canada
Brenda Bowlby and Lauri Reesor

Chapter 10: Copyright and Canadian Schools
Margaret Ann Wilkinson

Table of Cases

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