• Publication Date: February 13, 2019
  • EAN: 9781552215036
  • 496 pages; 6" x 9"
Filed Under: Environmental

Environmental Law 5/e


Product Description

While continuing to provide a comprehensive introductory guide to environmental law in Canada, this fifth edition of Environmental Law incorporates discussion of recent developments in environmental litigation and regulation alongside reference to key statutory developments from the past half decade. In addition, important updates and revisions highlight significant developments in several central areas, notably federal and provincial climate change action following the 2015 Paris Agreement and issues associated with Aboriginal consultation, the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, and traditional environmental knowledge. Essential developments relating to human rights and the environment at both the national and international levels have been included alongside discussion of changes in environmental valuation and compensation, liability for spills and remediation, and polluter-pays jurisprudence. Recent judicial and administrative decisions affecting environmental assessment and involving NAFTA prior to the 2018 round of Canada-US-Mexico negotiations are also covered. Chapters on toxic substances, protected areas, endangered species, and economic incentives for environmental protection also reflect current legal activity and policy proposals.

Foreword to the First Edition



Chapter 1: Basic Concepts in Environmental Law

Chapter 2: The Constitutional Allocation of Environmental Responsibilities and Interjurisdictional Coordination

Chapter 3: Environmental Rights

Chapter 4: The International Context of Canadian Environmental Law

Chapter 5: Civil Liability for Environmental Harm

Chapter 6: Environmental Regulations and Approvals

Chapter 7: Administrative Compliance Mechanisms

Chapter 8: Offences, Prosecution, and Penalties

Chapter 9: Corporate Environmental Obligations and Directors’ and Officers’ Liability

Chapter 10: Environmental Valuation and Compensation

Chapter 11: Remediation and Restoration of Contaminated Lands

Chapter 12: Environmental Assessment

Chapter 13: Toxic Substances

Chapter 14: Protected Areas and Endangered Species

Chapter 15: Environmental Law and the Citizen

Chapter 16: Consultation, Alternative Dispute Resolution, and Voluntary Measures

Chapter 17: Economic Instruments

Chapter 18: Climate Change: Canadian Legal and Policy Responses

Chapter 19: Environmental Reporting and Information Sources


Appendix: Websites

Table of Cases


About the Author

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