• Publication Date: May 17, 2019
  • EAN: 9781760021962
  • 272 pages; 6" x 8⅝"
Filed Under: Legal Profession

Good Conduct Guide

Professional Standards for Australian Barristers


Product Description

The second edition of the Good Conduct Guide has been fully updated to incorporate the significant changes in the regulation of practice as a barrister following commencement of the Legal Profession Uniform Law which came into effect on 1 July 2015. The scope of the guide has also been expanded to cover material integral to the good practice of all Australian barristers.

Authored by Ms Róisín Annesley QC, a practising member of the Victorian Bar, this is a guide for barristers by barristers. It is designed to supplement a barrister’s working knowledge of the Barristers’ Conduct Rules and the ethical principles of good practice so that any ethical issues that arise in the course of practice can be resolved swiftly.

The comprehensive, illustrative and engaging content ensures that the rules of conduct and ethics are more easily understood. This is an essential tool for all Australian barristers who must uphold the high ethical and professional standards required by the courts and the clients they serve.

Foreword by The Honourable Michael Black AC QC
Message from the President of the Victorian Bar, Matt Collins QC
Author’s Acknowledgments
Table of Cases
Table of Statutes
Table of Rules

1. Introduction and Independence
2. Regulatory Regime for Barristers
3. Duties to the Court
4. The Retainer and Duties to the Client
5. Conflict of Duties and Interest
6. Fees
7. Direct Access
8. Court Etiquette, Dealings with Other Practitioners and General Professionalism
9. Duties of Counsel in Criminal Trials
10. Common Grounds of Ethical Complaint
Annexure A: The Victorian Bar Incorporated Constitution
Annexure B: Constitution of the New South Wales Bar Association
Annexure C: Legal Profession Uniform Conduct (Barristers) Rules 2015
Annexure D: Legal Profession Uniform Continuing Professional Development (Barristers) Rules 2015

General Index
Index to Rules

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