• Publication Date: May 3, 2017
  • ISBN: Print (Paperback): 9781552214527
  • 512 pages; 6" x 9"

Religious Institutions and the Law in Canada 4/e


Product Description

This fourth revised edition is the leading Canadian legal text on the law relating to religious institutions. Previous editions have been frequently cited in and by all levels of Canadian courts as legally authoritative. Drawing on legal, historical, and theological sources, it deals with almost every area in which the laws of Canada interact with matters of religion or religious institutions including constitutional law, criminal law, evidence, property, corporations, trusts, taxation, discipline, family, health, and education. Designed for use by both lawyers and church administrators, this synthesis of legal and religious concerns makes this text an essential resource for all professionals working in the area.

The fourth edition of Religious Institutions and the Law, current to the end of 2016, updates the law and includes new consideration of wearing religious garb in public places, marriage, rights of public school students, the right of Trinity Western University to open a new professional law faculty, ownership of property where institutional disputes erupt, and the definition of religion for legal purposes.

Preface to the Fourth Edition

Preface to the Third Edition

Preface to the Second Edition

Preface to the First Edition

Chapter 1: A Brief Historical Overview of Theories about the Relationship of Church and State

Chapter 2: A Brief History of Law and Religious Institutions in Canada

Chapter 3: Religious Institutions in Canada

Chapter 4: Constitutional Fundamentals

Chapter 5: Criminal Law

Chapter 6: Public Order

Chapter 7: Evidence

Chapter 8: Religious Organizations

Chapter 9: Discipline in Religious Institutions

Chapter 10: Education

Chapter 11: Family Law

Chapter 12: Health

Chapter 13: Sabbath Observance and Employment Accommodations

Table of Cases


About the Author

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