Chapter 1: Remedies for Bad Behaviour in Canadian Contract Law
Robert Sharpe
Chapter 2: Reliance Damages for Breach of Contract
David McLauchlan
Chapter 3: Fuller and Perdue’s Limitations: Opportunities, Performance, and Quantification
Maree Chetwin
Chapter 4: Damages for Breach of Contracts with Alternative Performances
Michael G. Pratt
Chapter 5: Coherence, Non-Pecuniary Loss, and the Construction of Privacy
Michael Tilbury
Chapter 6: Beyond Dignity?
Grant Hammond
Chapter 7: Redressing Dignitary Injuries and Non-economic Loss in Novel Torts: Challenges for the Law of Remedies
Penelope Watson
Chapter 8: Holism and Harmony in the Law of Remedies
Ken Cooper-Stephenson
Chapter 9: Remedies: The Key to the Common Law System?
Steve Hedley
Chapter 10: Beyond Compensation: Apology as a Private Law Remedy
Robyn Carroll
Chapter 11: Remedies for Breaches of “Public” Obligations: The Equality Principle Meets the Welfare State and the New Constitutionalism
Geoff McLay
Chapter 12: Addressing the Remedial Interests of Patients after an Adverse Event in Healthcare: The New Zealand Response
Joanna Manning
Chapter 13: The Crown and Remedies
David Wright
Chapter 14: Remedies and Accountability for Unlawful Judicial Action in New Zealand: Could the Law be Tidier?
Bruce V. Harris
Chapter 15: A Plea to Reject the United States Supreme Court’s Due-Process Review of Punitive Damages
Doug Rendleman
Chapter 16: Remedies for Breach of Fiduciary Duty in Joint Ventures
Jessica Palmer
Chapter 17: Mareva Orders in Globalized Litigation
David Capper
Chapter 18: Exporting Your Remedy: A Canadian Perspective on the Recognition and Enforcement of Monetary and Other Relief
H. Scott Fairley
Chapter 19: Damages in Transnational Tort Litigation: Legislative Restrictions
and the Substance/Procedure Distinction in Australian Conflict of Laws
Gary Davis
Chapter 20: The Globalization of Defamation
Russell L. Weaver & David F. Partlett
Chapter 21: The Class Action as Sheriff: Private Law Enforcement and Remedial Roulette
Peta Spender
Chapter 22: Class Actions (Representative Proceedings) and the Exercise of the Cy-Pres Doctrine: Time for Improved Scrutiny
Jeff Berryman