The 2014 Harvey T. Strosberg Essay Prize

Harvey T. Strosberg, Q.C., Editor-in-Chief of the Canadian Class Action Review, and Irwin Law Inc. are pleased to announce the eleventh annual Harvey T. Strosberg Essay Prize competition. The prize of $10,000 is awarded to an outstanding student paper on Canadian class actions.

All Canadian university students enrolled in an undergraduate, graduate, or professional program are eligible for the prize. Essays may be written from the perspective of any discipline or from a multi-disciplinary perspective. Submissions must involve an aspect of class actions, which may include legal, accounting, computer science, management, public relations, and financing issues, among others.

Submission Information
All essay submissions must be typed and be between 8,000 and 15,000 words (not including citations). Please use the (McGill) Canadian Guide to Uniform Legal Citation, 7th Edition, and the Canadian Oxford dictionary. We also ask that you submit a short abstract of no more than 250 words with your paper. If you are submitting a paper in French, please provide an English abstract. Co-authored papers will be accepted, however, if a co-authored paper does win the competition, the $10,000 prize is to be split among all authors. Only one paper may be submitted by each student.

Due Date
Essays for the 2014 Harvey T. Strosberg Essay Prize must be submitted in both print and electronic form by March 31, 2014. The winner will be announced in the summer of 2014. The winning paper will be published in an upcoming issue of the Canadian Class Action Review. Note that in submitting a paper to this competition, the author consents to publication in the Canadian Class Action Review in print and/or electronic form.

Prize Board
A national prize board has been established to review the submissions and choose the prizewinner. 

How to Submit
Please mail a hard copy of your paper to:
John Sawicki, Managing Editor
Harvey T. Strosberg Essay Prize
Irwin Law Inc.
14 Duncan Street, Suite 206
Toronto, M5H 3G8

Please email an electronic copy of your paper to: jsawicki at irwinlaw dot com

Further Information
For further information please contact:
John Sawicki, Managing Editor
Harvey T. Strosberg Essay Prize
Irwin Law Inc.
14 Duncan Street, Suite 206
Toronto, M5H 3G8
by phone: (416) 862-7690, (888) 314-9014 (toll free)
by fax: (416) 862-9236

or jsawicki at irwinlaw dot com

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