Published January 2015
SpecIal Tenth-Anniversary Issue
Guest Editor’s Introduction: The Past, Present, and Future of Class Actions in Canada
Jasminka Kalajdzic
Beyond the Courtroom: Access to Justice, Privatization, and the Future of Class Action Research
Michael Molavi
Facets of Fairness: Kidd v Canada Life Assurance Company and the Approval of Class Action Settlements
John C Kleefeld
Ontario’s Class Proceedings Fund: Separating Fact from Fiction
Gina Papageorgiou
Twenty Years Later: What Are the Risks Faced by Plaintiffs’ Counsel, and How Have These Risks Changed?
Garth Myers and David Rosenfeld
Pre-dispute Mandatory Arbitration Clauses — The Not-So-Secret Weapon of “Class” Destruction
Shelley McGill
A Decade of Competition Law Class Actions: From Chadha to the “New Trilogy”
Charles M Wright, Andrea DeKay, Linda Visser, and Kerry McGladdery Dent
The Impact of the Supreme Court of Canada’s Decision in Infineon Technologies AG v Option consommateurs on Quebec Class Actions
Christopher Maughan and Emmanuelle Rolland
The Evolution and Devolution of Aggregate Damages as a Common Issue
James Sayce
Institutional Abuse Class Actions Post-Cloud
Jody Brown
Cumulative Index, Volumes 1–10