The Canadian Class Action Review: Volume 11, Issue 2

Published March 2016

Harvey T Strosberg, QC

Catch and Release: Class Actions and Solvent Third Parties under the CCAA
Lauren Pearce

No Right without a Remedy? The Potential Role of Class Actions in Police Accountability and Defending Charter Rights
Regan S Christensen

La procédure d’autorisation d’un recours collectif et les espoirs brisés du principe de proportionnalité
Alexandra Belley-McKinnon

Class Action Trends in Quebec and What They Mean for Your Business
Shaun Finn

When Numbers Tell a Story: A Quantitative Look at Certification Decisions in Ontario
Daniel EH Bach and Ronald Podolny

Developing a Consistent Approach to Balance Distributions in Quebec
Chris Trivisonno

Common Law Securities Misrepresentation Claims — Still with Us in the Post-Green Era?
Andrea Laing and Helen Richards

. . . And Yet So Far? The Utility of the Cy Près Doctrine in Class Proceedings against the Crown
Aaron Dewitt

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