The Canadian Class Action Review: Volume 7, Issue 1

Published October 2011

Harvey T Strosberg, QC

A History of Class Actions: Modern Lessons from Deep Roots
Michael A Eizenga and Emrys Davis

Class Reunion: Revisiting Class Action Justification After Twenty Years
Brian Smith

The Use of Matrix Settlements in Canadian Class Actions
Sara J Erskine

Palpable and Overriding Confusion: Appellate Review of Certification Orders in Canada
Shea Coulson

Whither Common Law Claims for Secondary Market Misrepresentation?: An Analysis of Certification Decisions in Mccann v CP Ships, Silver v Imax, Mckenna v Gammon Gold, and Dobbie v Arctic Glacier
Andrea Laing and Robert Carson

Consequences of the Courts’ More Liberal Approach to the Admission of Relevant Evidence at the Authorization Stage
Marianne Ignacz and Anne-Louise Lamarre

Waiver of Tort: A Potential Sea Change in Class Action Law
Kit Scotchmer

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