Published December 2011
Harvey T Strosberg, QC
After the Windfall: Representation of Class Members in Individual Issues Adjudication
Joshua Ginsberg
Pharmaceutical Class Actions and Effective Behaviour Modification: Avoiding Ford Pintos Through Punitive Damages
Dylan M Kozlick
Mass Actions: How Litigation Investment Makes Class Actions Unnecessary
Benjamin Grant
The Doctrine of Cy Près in Ontario Class Actions: Toward a Consistent, Principled, and Transparent Approach
Christina Sgro
Saving the Law’s Soul: A Normative Perspective on the Cy Près Doctrine
Luiz Arthur Bihari
Economic Analysis of Materiality for Canadian Securities Litigation
Bradley A Heys
À la frontière de l’inconnu : Une Analyse de recours collectifs multi-ressorts
Shaun Finn et Jonathan Ostrega