Table of Contents


Introduction: Paradoxes of Children’s Rights

Nicholas Bala

Part One

1     The Children’s Trilogy: The Best Interests of the Child Principle and the Principles of Fundamental Justice 

Mark Carter

2     Children’s Rights and Health Law: The “Mature Minor” Rule Revisited

Gerald B. Robertson, QC

3     Nowhere to Stand: Correction by Force in the Supreme Court of Canada

Anne McGillivray

4     The Child Witness Project: Examining the Assessment of the Competence of Child Witnesses

Victoria Talwar, Rod Lindsay, and Kang Lee

5     Factors Influencing the Eyewitness Identification Accuracy of Child Witnesses

Natalie Kalmet, Rod Lindsay, Michelle I. Bertrand, and Jamal K. Mansour


Part Two

6     The Changing Face of Youth Corrections

Carla Cesaroni

7     The Last Chance Sanction in Youth Court: The Deferred Custody and Supervision Order

Peter J. Carrington and Julian V. Roberts

8     The Youth Criminal Defence Office: A Model Approach to the Right to Counsel

Cathy Lane Goodfellow, QC

9     Understanding the Principled Arguments for Criminalizing Misbehaviour by Youths under Twelve

Anthony N. Doob and Jane B. Sprott


Part Three

10   Judicial Interviews of Children in Custody and Access Cases

Dan L. Goldberg

11   Speaking for Themselves: A Pilot Program Balancing Children’s Rights and Best Interests in High-Conflict Families

Dale Hensley, QC and Jean Dunbar

12   An Evaluation of Alberta’s Family Law Act

Leslie D. MacRae, Shane D. Simpson, Joanne J. Paetsch, Lorne D. Bertrand, Sheryl Pearson, and Joseph P. Hornick

13   No Presumptions: Joint Custody in the British Columbia Court of Appeal

Susan B. Boyd

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