• Publication Date: January 31, 2017
  • ISBN: Print (Paperback): 9781552214343
  • ISBN: Digital (PDF): 9781552214350
  • 688 pages; 6" x 9"

Land-Use Planning


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Product Description

Inevitably, we live our lives as part of a physical community. Whether one wants it or not, the law recognizes the connections our actions as owners or tenants create with others. Inevitably, too, disputes arise. These can be after the relationship is created, or communities may engage together in advance of irrevocable commitments to try to plan for the future: thus the law of land-use planning.

Land use is governed by the common law, by the federal government, by provinces directly, and by municipalities. All aspects are explored in this text.

Lawyers, planners, architects, municipal officials, environmentalists, and anyone concerned with the future development of their community will find this guide to Canadian land use and land-use planning law to be hugely valuable. With examples from all Canadian jurisdictions, it explores both the policies and the substantive law of land-use planning.

Howard Epstein — lawyer, law professor, and former municipal council member — is uniquely positioned to offer this practical guide to Canadian land-use planning law.


Introduction and the Legal Context for Land-Use Planning

Chapter 1: The Planning Enterprise

Chapter 2: Some Leading Cases

Chapter 3: Sources of Authority: Common Law

Chapter 4: Sources of Authority: Federal-Level Powers and the Constitution Acts

Chapter 5: Sources of Authority: Provincial-Level Land-Use Planning Powers

Chapter 6: Sources of Authority: Municipal Planning Statutes

Chapter 7: How to Get around Zoning

Chapter 8: Public Participation and Fairness

Chapter 9: Appeals and Judicial Review

Chapter 10: Economic Aspects

Chapter 11: Sustainability

Appendix A: Residential Real Estate Purchase — Handout regarding Land Use Matters

Appendix B: Sample Set of Provincial Statutes Pertaining to Land Use

Appendix C: Land-Use Planning Resources


Table of Cases


About the Author

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