Canadian Online Legal Dictionary
Found 463 results
- Abandonment
- Abutting
- Accessibility
- Accessory building
- Accessory use
- Adaptive reuse
- Addition
- Adverse environmental effect
- Agricultural land reserve
- Agricultural use
- All-terrain vehicle (ATV)
- Alteration permit
- Ancient light
- Apartment building
- Appurtenant
- Arcade
- Architectural control district
- Area development plan
- Central business district
- Change of use
- Citizen participation
- Cluster housing
- Clustering
- Coastal zone management
- Commercial
- Commercial vehicle
- Committee of adjustment
- Community plan
- Compatible
- Complementary
- Comprehensive plan
- Confiscation
- Conservation authority
- Conservation easement
- Consolidation
- Consultation
- Contaminated site
- Contamination
- Contract zoning
- Conurbation
- Conversion
- Core city
- Critical natural capital
- Crown discretion
- Crown reserve
- Cuius est solum eius est usque ad coelum et ad inferos
- Cul-de-sac
- Culvert
- Cumulative effect
- Cumulative zoning
- Cutting permit
- D-6 Guideline
- Dark sky preserve
- Dedicated lands
- Dedication
- Deep geological repository
- Demolition
- Demolition permit
- Density
- Derelict building
- Developer
- Development
- Development agreement
- Development certificate
- Development cost charge
- Development levy
- Development officer
- Development right
- Dillon’s Rule
- Direct control district
- Discretionary use
- Discrimination
- District
- District heating and cooling
- District land use guideline
- Ditch
- Dormitory town
- Downzoning
- Drinking water advisory
- Dump
- Dwelling unit
- Ecological footprint
- Effluent
- Eminent domain
- Encroachment
- Endangered species
- Environment
- Environmental assessment
- Environmental Bill of Rights
- Environmental impact assessment
- Environmental reserve
- Environmentally sensitive area
- Euclidean zoning
- Exaction
- Excavation
- Excess or extended services
- Exclusionary zoning
- Expropriation
- Extralateral rights
- Exurbia
- Gabion wall
- Gated community
- General (grants of) power
- General plan
- Generalized future land-use map
- Gentrification
- Geographic information systems (GIS)
- Ghost town
- Glare
- Global positioning system (GPS)
- Goal
- Good faith
- Good planning in the public interest
- Grade
- Grants-in-lieu of taxes
- Grassland
- Graveyard
- Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement
- Greater Golden Horseshoe
- Green
- Green building
- Green infrastructure
- Greenbelt
- Greenbelt (Ontario)
- Gridiron plan
- Gridlock
- Grocery store
- Ground water
- Group home
- Growth plan (area)
- Guideline
- Habitable room
- Halfway house
- Hamlet
- Hazardous conditions
- Height
- Heritage alteration permit
- Heritage conservation district
- Heritage conservation study area
- Heritage designation
- High-rise
- Highway
- Holding provision by-law
- Holding zone
- Holdout
- Home business overlay
- Home occupation
- Home-based business
- Hostel
- Housing agreement
- Human scale
- Impact fee
- Improved land
- Improvement district
- In camera
- In-stream application
- Industrial
- Industrial park
- Infilling
- Infrastructure
- Injurious affection
- Inside lot
- Institutional use
- Integrated resource management
- Intensive agriculture
- Inter-municipal development plan
- Interested person
- Interim control by-law
- Interim planning policy
- Land
- Land assembly
- Land bank
- Land capability classes
- Land for public purposes
- Land lease community home
- Land use
- Land-use planning
- Landfill
- Landscaping
- Large format retail
- Latecomer
- Leachate
- Legibility
- Light pollution
- Littoral land
- Local government
- Lode claim
- Lot
- Lot coverage limit
- Lot line
- Low-income housing
- Lower-tier municipality
- National Capital Commission
- National interest land mass
- Natural heritage system
- Negligent misstatement
- Neighbour consent ordinance
- Neighbourhood
- Nepean principle
- New urbanism
- Niagara Escarpment Plan
- Nibbling
- Noise
- Noise exposure forecast
- Non-conforming structure
- Non-conforming use
- Non-cumulative zoning
- Non-Euclidean zoning
- Non-renewable resource
- Normal farm practice
- Nunavut Planning Commission
- Paper zoning
- Parapet
- Parcel of land
- Park
- Party wall
- Patio
- People zoning
- Percolation test
- Permit
- Permitted use
- Person affected
- Person aggrieved
- Person concerned
- Pesticide
- Pit
- Placeholder by-law
- Placer claim
- Plan
- Planned unit development
- Planner
- Planning advisory committee
- Planning blight
- Planning board
- Pocket area
- Policy
- Pollution
- Port
- Port authority
- Pre-emption
- Prescription
- Prohibition
- Proper principles of planning
- Property class
- Property development
- Property line
- Property taxes
- Public hearing
- Public information meeting
- Public infrastructure
- Public interest standing
- Public purpose
- Public services
- Public trust
- Public use
- Public utility
- Public work
- Raw land
- Real estate
- Rearage
- Reeve
- Referendum
- Regional district
- Regional growth strategy
- Regulatory taking
- Rehabilitation
- Remote/isolated communities
- Renovation
- Repair
- Replotting scheme
- Residential
- Residential premises
- Residential property
- Resolution
- Restaurant
- Restrictive covenant
- Ribbon development
- Right of entry permit
- Right to farm
- Right to light
- Right to roam
- Right-of-way
- Riparian owner
- Riparian zones
- Roof
- Rooming house
- Rubbish
- Rural cluster
- Rural municipality
- Sanitary sewer
- School site acquisition charge
- Sea level rise
- Sensitive lands
- Septic system
- Setback
- Severance
- Sewage
- Sewer system
- Shanty town
- Shophouse
- Shopping centre
- Should
- Sign
- Signalized access
- Single-family dwelling
- Single-room occupancy
- Single-tier municipality
- Site plan agreement
- Site profile
- Slum
- Solid waste
- Special management zones
- Special planning area
- Special planning zone
- Species at risk
- Sphere
- Spite fence
- Spot zoning
- Sprawl
- Stagnant city
- Standard State Zoning Enabling Act
- Standing
- Statement of environmental values
- Statutory Building Scheme
- Stop order
- Storey
- Strata
- Strategic land use plan
- Stream
- Street furniture
- Strip development
- Strip mall
- Structural alteration
- Structure
- Subdivision
- Subdivision by-law
- Subsidiarity
- Suburb
- Superfund
- Sustainability
- Sustainable development
- Taking
- Tax base
- Tax increment financing
- Telecommunications tower
- Temporary zoning approval
- Tenement
- Threatened species
- Through lot
- Total maximum daily load
- Town and Country Planning Act
- Town and Country Planning Association
- Town centre
- Toxic tort
- Traditional main street
- Traffic calming
- Tragedy of the commons
- Trail
- Trailer
- Trailer park
- Transferable development rights
- Transition
- Trespass
- Triplex
- Twilight zone