• Publication Date: February 7, 2000
  • ISBN: Print (Paperback): 9781552210345
  • 355 pages; 6" x 9"

Copyright Law


Product Description

Shortlisted for the 2003 Walter Owen Book Prize

In this book, David Vaver examines how the modern law of copyright and moral rights is coping with the explosive growth in new technologies. He provides a detailed, authoritative analysis of changes to the Copyright Act and their impact on copyright holders and users, including educational institutions, libraries, and archives.

Copyright Law is written in a lively non-technical style. It examines in depth issues such as: What does copyright protect? What rights do owners have? What new rights have been introduced and how do they affect the public? What rights do users have? What are moral rights and how are they enforced? How are copyrights managed and how are they enforced? What pitfalls should be avoided in licensing? A thoughtful discussion is included on the origins, justifications, and likely future directions of this branch of the law in the light of international developments, as well as how current deficiencies may be cured.

Foreword by Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin
Chapter 1: Copyright: An Overview
Chapter 2: What is Protected
Chapter 3: Criteria for Copyrightability
Chapter 4: Title and Duration
Chapter 5: Owners’ Rights
Chapter 6: Authors’ Moral Rights
Chapter 7: Users’ Rights
Chapter 8: Management
Chapter 9: Enforcement
Chapter 10: Conclusion
Table of Cases

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