• Publication Date: January 24, 2014
  • ISBN: Print (Paperback): 9781552213537
  • 576 pages; 6" x 9"

Intellectual Property for the 21st Century

Interdisciplinary Approaches


Product Description

Over the past two decades, globalization, digitization, and the rise of the Internet have each contributed to a new prominence for intellectual property law in public policy debates around the world. Questions about how intellectual property is controlled, licensed, used, and reused are all part of a growing public discourse that now engages far more than an elite cadre of lawyers. Because intellectual property law now trenches so deeply on issues of economics, culture, health, commerce, creativity, and intellectual freedom, it is no surprise that there is also a burgeoning literature on intellectual property issues that comes, not just from legal academics or lawyers, but from those trained in other disciplines. In the spring of 2012, the Centre for Law, Technology, and Society at the University of Ottawa hosted a workshop that sought to bring together academics from different disciplines interested in intellectual property law in order to stimulate discussion across disciplines, to encourage the development of collaborative efforts, and to produce a body of research that explores intellectual property law issues from explicitly interdisciplinary perspectives. The collection of papers in this book is the product of this workshop.


Introduction: Intellectual Property for the 21st Century: Interdisciplinary Approaches
Teresa Scassa, Mistrale Goudreau, B Courtney Doagoo, and Madelaine Saginur

Theme One: New Windows on Intellectual Property Law

Chapter 1: Adapting Novel into Film
Cameron Hutchison

Chapter 2: Out of Tune: Why Copyright Law Needs Music Lessons
Carys Craig & Guillaume Laroche

Chapter 3: The Confidentiality of Seclusion: Studying Information Flows to Test Intellectual Property Paradigms
Margaret Ann Wilkinson

Chapter 4: The Precautionary Principle and Its Application in the Intellectual Property Context: Towards a Public Domain Impact Assessment
Graham J Reynolds

Chapter 5: Abus et Propriété Intellectuelle ou du Bon Usage des Droits
Pierre-Emmanuel Moyse

Chapter 6: Biopatenting and Industrial Policy Discourse: Decoding the Message of Biomedia on the Limits of Agents and Audiences
Bita Amani

Theme Two(a): New Windows — New Insights: A Different Disciplinary Lens

Chapter 7: Historical Institutionalism and the Politics of Intellectual Property
Blayne Haggart

Chapter 8: Feminist Anthropology and Copyright: Gauging the Application and Limitations of Oppositions Models
B Courtney Doagoo

Chapter 9: Intellectual Property, Employment, and Talent Relations: A Media Studies Perspective
Matt Stahl

Chapter 10: A Gramscian Analysis of the Public Performance Right
Louis D’Alton

Chapter 11: Branding Culture: Fictional Characters and Undead Celebrities in an Era of “Transpropertied” Media
Daniel Downes

Chapter 12: Punishment, Private Style: Statutory Damages in Canadian Copyright Law
João Velloso & Mistrale Goudreau

Theme Two(b): New Windows — New Insights: Discourses and Paradigms

Chapter 13: Information Society Discourse, Innovation, and Intellectual Property
Michael McNally

Chapter 14: Seeking the Margins—Fair Use and Copyright, Harold Innis, and Israel
Meera Nair

Chapter 15: Intellectual Property: The Promise and Risk of Human Rights
Chidi Oguamanam

Chapter 16: Merges on Just IP: Are IP Rights Basic?
Gregory Hagen

Chapter 17: Appropriation Appropriated: Ethical, Artistic, and Legal Debates in Canada
Laura J Murray & Kirsty Robertson

Chapter 18: The Story of My Life: Fiction, Ethics, and the Self at Law
Andrea Slane

Chapter 19: Structures of Sharing: Depropriation and Intellectual Property Law
Marcus Boon

Theme Three: Interdisciplinarity in Practice

Chapter 20: Mapping the Outcomes of Multidisciplinary Intellectual Property Research: Lessons from the African Copyright Experience
Jeremy de Beer

Chapter 21: Evidentiary Problems of Multidisciplinarity in the Litigation of Business Method Patents
Norman Siebrasse

Theme Four: Impact of Law or Impact on Law?

Chapter 22: Emerging Academic Scientists’ Exclusionary Encounters with Commercialization Law, Policy, and Practice
Matthew Herder

Chapter 23: Copyright’s Media Theory and the Internet: The Case of the Chilling Effects Doctrine
Jonathon W Penney

Chapter 24: Ambush Marketing Legislation to Protect Olympic Sponsors: A Step Too Far in the Name of Brand Protection?
Benoit Séguin & Teresa Scassa

Chapter 25: Copyright as Barrier to Creativity: The Case of User-Generated Content
Samuel Trosow

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